Lessons, drills, weekly lesson plans, pro strokes lesson library, common tennis stroke problems/fixes and more. This course includes Certification for Instructors/Coaches. Certified coaches will be published permanently on the Broudy Tennis website. COACHES ONLY: Please take the online Certification Test at the end of the course. PASS the Exam and you will become a certified instructor and listed on the Broudy Tennis Website.
Your Instructor
Jack is a professional tennis coach in Southern California and travels worldwide bringing his unique and irrefutable tennis system to pros, coaches and players alike. He has worked with top professional players like Sam Querrey, Steven Forman, Abbi Spears, Steve Johnson, Warren Wood (NCAA Champ), Nick Mitchell as well as top coaches like 5 time D1 National Champion Coach, Peter Smith. His teaching systems are revolutionizing the tennis world.
For more, go to Broudy Tennis
Course Curriculum
StartMassive Topspin Forehand - Proper Wrist Action
StartThe Effortless Quotient
StartPay Attention - Better Rhythm and Timing
StartHandling Pace by Under-Reacting
StartHandling High Balls in Back Court Effortlessly
StartOverheads and Slowness
StartQuiet Power on Serve
StartThunking Solid Groundies Slowly & Connected